Let’s board Monorail Green for a trip to the Magic Kingdom! |
Cinderella Castle rising above the Seven Seas Lagoon |
Helicopter was hovering over the Castle . |
Helicopter was also hovering over the lagoon |
The 50th Anniversary model of Cinderella Castle has been returned to the Emporium with the 50th decorations removed. |
Paying our respects to the man who made sure Walt Disney World was completed, Roy Disney |
Horse drawn streetcar getting ready to take the Dapper Dans up Main Street |
Youngest son needed a haircut! |
Looking good! |
Finishing touch of pixie dust/pirate confetti! |
Love the barber shop on Main Street |
Had to get our slinky sipper and pizza planet truck popcorn bucket and then visit Toy Story Land at Hollywood Studios |
Taking a swirl on the Alien Saucers! |
Not quite sure what we are looking at; but Sarge is parachuting overhead! |
Taking a break at the Morocco Pavilion Passholder Lounge. |
Genie was posing for pictures in the lounge which was a really nice touch. |